For Those Who Would Receive “Christ Consciousness”

Jody Radzik
2 min readMay 13, 2020


Here is the truth about transmission gurudom: there is nothing to transmit. To see the nature of one’s being requires a new attentional skill. It’s not getting filled up with something, it’s not climbing higher, and it’s not being attuned to the transmission of any “enlightened beings.” It’s just seeing the source signal of perception. In order to see something, you have to notice it, and in order to notice it, you probably want to develop attentional skill with a simple meditation practice.

The other thing you need to mind is what you believe about enlightenment. If you haven’t noticed it yet, anything, I repeat, anything you believe about it can distract you. It is so much better to think of it as nothing than to make it out into the ultimate something, because what you expect as that ultimate something is the shiny thing you can’t look away from and thus, what’s always been true is missed.

There would be no transmission gurus if there were no ideology about the transmission of enlightenment. But there is, the basic folk theory that if a person is enlightened, they are one with the universe and can basically just vibe others “up.” This rests on the idea that enlightenment is higher than our ordinary perception. I imagine this idea is among the most damaging to clarity, as enlightenment as an attentional skill is noticing what’s true about one’s being in our ordinary, baseline condition.

In order to believe in a “transmission” from a “guru,” you have to believe there is a flow of some kind of energy between individuals. Again, folk theory supports the idea. Now, you have set the formula for your success, with the final ingredient being getting others to believe you can transmit. If you are successful in this, you are on your way, completely, entirely and only because the belief triggers their experience by way of their desires and imagination. Those triggered feel blessed and better for it, and it can be said that perhaps they are to a degree. But are they closer to the attentional skill that enlightenment requires? Nope. They are only further distracted by the idea that being enlightened entails having this power.



Jody Radzik

Spiritual enlightenment is biological: attention binds to simple awareness resulting in the recognition of personal identity in that aconceptuality.